Archive for March, 2013

Sunday, oh come Sunday

Posted in Uncategorized on March 31, 2013 by Josslyn Luckett


Hallelujah and joy to everyone celebrating Easter this morning. It’s been such a glorious holy week, saw Bach’s Passion of St. Matthew in Philly on Maundy Thurs…just overwhelming. And this morning in a muddy meadow in New Hampshire, we gathered around a solo voice at sunrise singing praise about the women who went to the tomb at dawn. Tremble, tremble, tremble…

I haven’t posted in ages and neglected to capture so many musical hallelujahs over the past months, especially the Winter Jazz fest back in Jan (thank you Brice, I still owe you a proper post). Toshi Reagon’s set there was glorious, had to go back to see her full celebration of jazz and blues women just a few weeks back at the Schomburg, so fortifying, so mesmerizing. I’m so grateful for these healing voices and sacred sounds. I lift them up this morning as so many around the globe raise grateful hallelujahs, remember women with spices, holy surprises, soaring and redeeming love.

Let me go turn on Mahalia and Duke right now to keep the glory swirling…what a time, what a time, what a time…