Archive for December, 2012

The Best of Who We Are

Posted in Uncategorized on December 20, 2012 by Josslyn Luckett

John+Coltrane++Johnny+HartmanJamming to finish my last couple papers for the semester, I was just working with Tommy L. Lott’s essay from Leonard Brown’s collection, John Coltrane and Black America’s Quest for Freedom:  Spirituality and the Music and fell in love with this JC quote (Lott pulls it from the Meditations liner notes):

There is never any end. There are always new sounds to imagine, new feelings to get at. And always there is the need to keep purifying these feelings and sounds so that we can really see what we’ve discovered in its pure state. So that we can give those who listen to the essence, the best of who we are.

And dig the double Johnny’s…repeat the sounding joy!